Heart, heart, and heart is the theme of this current update. The first story comes to us from all the way back in September of 2021, which makes for a good reminder of the reasons we need crowdsourcing to keep an eye on these events:
They don't always gain a lot of news coverage.

IMAGE: outlookindia.com
1) Sharad Kumar, 29, participated in the Tokyo Paralympics last August, competing in the T-42 high jump despite having a knee injury, and winning bronze in the event. The following month he was admitted to the hospital with "chest congestion," where it was discovered he was suffering from an inflamed heart.
"Tokyo Paralympics bronze medal-winning high jumper Sharad Kumar is a relieved man as he will not need a surgery and has been advised two-month complete rest along with medication after he was diagnosed with heart inflammation last month."

IMAGE: La Montagne
2) Florian Ankoue is a 23 year-old forward for the Montlucon football team in France.
He couldn't continue at practice one day, "fell ill" in the locker room, and is now scheduled for a "small" surgery following cardiac examinations.
"[...] last Wednesday, February 16 , center-forward Florian Ankoué first asked to leave training because he felt bad. Then he fell ill in the locker room."
"Result, more fear than harm for the striker, who will still have to undergo a small operation in the days to come. And will be away from the field for at least one month."
3) And lastly we have another heart attack in France. Frederic Gironedeau, a 53 year-old club basketball player, had a heart attack during practice.
"It's almost the end of basketball training at the Savigné-l'Évêque gymnasium . “All of a sudden, I collapsed gently, and after that nothing more,” says Frédéric Girondeau, 53, from Sargé, player and one of the founders of the leisure basketball section of the CACS, 17 years ago."
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