Feb 19 UPDATE:
A couple players in today's update did have covid previous to their sudden malaise, and their vaccination status is unknown. While those sorts of details generally get the fact-checkers' hands waving quite madly, there are several reasons to regard such events as still suspicious, and likely shot-related: First, the victims likely are vaccinated, because they play professional sports. Second, covid tends to be mild in young, healthy people, while the ratio of myocarditis risk from the shots vs covid grows in athlete-aged males. For these reasons, this category of injury stays in the list.

IMAGE: Kingfut.com
1) Badr Benoun, the 28 year-old player on the Egyptian Al Ahly team, is suffering from myocarditis.
"Benoun had contracted Covid-19 a week before the tournament’s kick-off but continues to suffer from complications even after testing negative."
2) Artur Sobiek, the 31 year-old on the Polish Lech Poznan team, is suffering from... something, following a bout with covid.
"Artur Sobiech started preparations for the spring round together with the team, but was not able to finish the January training camp in Turkey. Due to complications after previous coronavirus infection, he had to go back to Poznan."
3) Derek Jovane Silva Xavier, however, is not reported to have had covid. The 20 year-old promising talent from Brazil found his career path interrupted by covid restrictions. He played on the Guaruja team until he sadly passed away from a heart attack in February. There is some family history of heart attacks and he had some kind of heart issue as well.
"Derek [was] rescued with cardiac massage, defibrillator shocks and an adrenaline injection, but he couldn't resist. Family members stated that the athlete had a problem in the left ventricle of the heart, until then unknown."
"Derek has been playing professionally since he was 15 years old and has played for Portuguesa, Jabaquara, as well as clubs in the lowlands of Guarujá. The player's grandfather and grandmother also died from a heart attack. The family also reported that the athlete performed [health] exams frequently."

IMAGE: gannett-cdn.com
4) A 21 year-old college basketball player, Ishan White, has died, Feb 12, 2022. Ishan signed to play for the New Mexico State University Aggies in 2020, but was disqualified from playing for health reasons in 2021. All quite mysterious.
"He signed with NMSU in November 2020 out of Polk State College in Florida but never appeared in a game. He was medically disqualified by a team doctor before the 2021-22 season began
"Head coach Chris Jans signed a letter of intent to play for the Aggies in 2021-22, however a workforce physician prohibited him earlier than the season started."
"White was originally a three-star recruit out of high school before spending two seasons at Florida junior colleges. The 6-foot 7-inch forward averaged 11.6 points and 7.1 rebounds per game at Polk State before coming to NMSU.
"He was a fierce competitor and a really good athlete and a rising star in basketball. He had a bright, bright future that way," Jans said."
5) And finally, we have a slight update on Cameran Wheatley, the 17 year-old high school basketball player who collapsed on the court and died on Tuesday, Feb 8. Cause of death is still unclear, but in an interview with his father, posted on Feb. 18, we did find out... something, maybe. His father offered this one detail — one not generally relevant to a high-school athlete: his vaccination status. This doesn't explicitly tell us he received the covid shots, but it moves that prospect from "likely" to "very likely."
"Wheatley says the autopsy report doesn’t give an indication of why his son suddenly died.
“No medical issues, completely healthy kid, shot records are up to date, he had nothing, nothing.”"
Aand that's a wrap. If you have news of these instances of athlete sudden deaths and illnesses, there's a place you can report them: The NOTB Sports Sudden Collapse and Deaths Telegram Channel: